Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A beautiful day at Stanage!

It's been a while again since I blogged but rather than lack of dry rock, this has been due to lots of fantastic days on the gritstone.

It has been great to do lots of mileage which left me feeling the need to try something harder. I first tried Brad Pit (Font 7c+) at Stanage before Christmas and after finding I could do the first move it embedded itself at the back of my mind as one to do. After a forced greasy session at the begining of Feburary my chin was down again. Then last Friday I went out with the girls to find it the most dry I had ever seen it and I proceeded to fall off the jug at the top first go... then for the life of me could not get up there again!

So after a couple of days rest I went up this morning to find beautiful conditions. Sheffield seemed to have a strange fog hanging over it, but out in the peak it was great. I warmed up at the plantation boulders and wandered over not knowing what to expect - but after a couple of heel pops I made it to the top. It was a great feeling and such a fantastic problem. Check out the link below for the video!